Assess for Success
Michael Daigneault
Jul 27, 2015
8 surefire times you need to evaluate your board’s performance
In a recent study conducted by Quantum Governance, only 22 percent of credit unions rated themselves as “effective” or “very effective” at conducting a regular process of self-evaluation. Comparatively, 34 percent felt they were ineffective or even “very ineffective” in doing so. With the long tenure of credit union board members and the continually evolving business climate that faces today’s credit union, remaining relevant, current and ahead of the curve is more important than ever. In fact, it is incumbent upon every credit union director to do so. A board assessment is a critical component in an ongoing process of board renewal, strengthening and improvement. Done well, it can provide an objective and comprehensive perspective that ultimately will help your board and senior management team focus your efforts, activities and precious resources. Together, you will identify your credit union’s strengths and challenges and, in doing so, find ways to move forward collectively to the betterment of your members. You can frame your issues in a new way, generating bright ideas and insights that will lead your credit union effectively into the future. Plus, you will build a baseline against which you can measure future progress. You should definitely consider a board evaluation in the near term if you:
have a new credit union board chair or CEO
want to elevate your credit union’s leadership or strategy to the “next level”
have been experiencing very high or very low board member turnover
need to address issues or concerns with your current governance structure, policies and/or practices
are getting ready to launch a new strategic planning initiative (or revise your current strategic plan)
are considering a merger or acquisition
have experienced significant change, growth or “crisis” within your credit union or board
have not undertaken an evaluation in the last three years