Governance Services
We offer a variety of ways to assess your governance employing a combination of the following methodologies: proprietary online survey, document review, interviews with members of your board, supervisory/audit committee, and executive leadership. Additionally, focus groups, meeting observations, member surveys and environmental scans may be added.
Governance assessments are scaled to meet your organization’s needs. We can deliver the results of your assessment via an expertly facilitated retreat or a series of in-person or virtual workshops.
Deliverables may include a report, best practices tailored to your organization, and a governance action plan.
Additional governance services include: credit union industry benchmarking, year-to-year analysis for returning clients, developing a roadmap for growth and pre-merger assessment.
Additional Governance Assessment Tools
Board Succession:
Assessment, Board Member of the Future Profile Development, Recruitment, Nominations & Succession Plan Development
Contact us to learn more about how we can strengthen
the leadership and governance of your organization.